Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fidel's Records & Tapes

Fidel's Records & Tapes

"I'm Tony Montana! You *** with me, you ***in' with the best!"

(See Video Above)
  1. Really a simple one actually, get hold of a fast car and chase after him, you can't kill him but rather you need to get him away from his car so that you can beat him up. 
  2. This can be done by either ramming his car (thus stunning him) then pulling him out you can also shoot his car until he bails out, the second is a little more dangerous as you may kill him or even the vehicle will explode. 
  3. Once he does come out beat him up, go ahead and take the tapes and return them to Fidel.
Reputation: +15,188
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: +1,297
Drugs [g]:  -
Total Cash: +$60,000

You can now buy the store for $160,000

Reputation: +75,000
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: +15
Balls: -
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: -$160,000 

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