Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gaspar Gomez

Reputation Upgrade 1

(See Video Above)
Now go on to your recently acquired mansion in your office
  • 14 new Exotics are unlocked.
  • $5,000 drug suppliers have been unlocked.
  • The Micro SMG and Chainsaw are already unlocked to be purchased from weapon dealers.

Gasper Gomez

(See Video Above)
"**** Gasper Gomez..."
  1. Following the upgrade you'll find yourself at the La Normande hotel, 
  2. you'll stroll past the front desk and wind up upstairs. 
  3. Climb the ramp and be confronted by an onslaught of bullets since there are gang associates all over the place. 
  4. If you're able to use blind rage at any time here do it, it'll make things much easier, in the event you don't you'll need to crouch and take out the men around the lower floor to get beneath those found on the higher one so that they can't shoot towards you.
  5. Now go nearby towards the stairway  taking out the ones that are guarding it, make sure to reload by pressing Up on the control pad whenever you're not shot at. 
  6. Head upstairs and shoot the window before you and you will see a health pack on the opposite side, take out those men coming in your direction and even while you're within the balcony visit towards the other room and shoot the man hiding behind the wall after which keep on up the other stairs taking out anybody left. 
  7. Now you must learn hand to hand combat, press Z to push him and push him down and hold the B button and swing to throw punches. 
  8. After he's lost his health he'll have a quick visit to the pool side, on to the ground floor.
  9. Now you've got to get at the underground parking and steal the armored car with the money in it. 
  10. Turn around and shoot at the helicopter taking out the men shooting towards you first but keep shooting before the helicopter bursts into flames. 
  11. Get the health kit when necessary and head downstairs. If you're able to use blind rage for this point simply to make short work of those men but when not be sure to remain low and also to getaway if you're getting a whipping. 
  12. Now reach the elevator.
  13. Downstairs take out the men inside the lobby and note the health pack behind receptions desk if you require it. 
  14. Start the basement parking and I would suggest blind rage to take out all of these men however, if you can't then go slow and look out for the men around the elevated level. 
  15. Now reach that armored car, be cautious as gang reinforcements will arrive in 2 cars, either take them out or simply enter the armored car and run like mad.
  16. Since you're inside the van you've got to make it towards the bank Downtown, luckily for you the game provides you with instructions and tells you to utilize the freeway, so follow that advice. 
  17. It's simple enough because this armored vehicle will take an enormous beating so just carry on. 
  18. Once in the bank go speak with the ladies in the desk then go speak with Jerry  
  19. Now go downstairs and speak with Susan. Here is the place you get the very first opportunity to launder money, the Bank normally takes a percentage of each deposit you are making and you've have got to bargain that percentage. 
  20. Hold the button up until the meter fills to the correct position, should you quit too early or late the bank can take an enormous percentage, as much as 30% in some instances, or only 1%. All depends on your heat and reputation.
 Reputation: +55,000
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: -
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: +$46,000 - $49,500

Following this you'll acquire a Satellite mobile phone as well as the exotic menu, right here you can purchase exotics, you'll have to purchase the driver but he's probably the most useful exotic anyway. Now off and away to the pawn shop to peddle your items.

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