Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Freedom Town Redux

Freedom Town Redux

"When you got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds gonna follow."

(See Video Above)

  1. This is a reasonably difficult mission while you haven't got a single weapon to your name in the beginning. 
  2. Beat up the very first two guys which come in your direction with machetes and nick their weapon, rush around on the left beyond the green tents and kill anybody over there and steal their weapon, if nobody is over there somebody will arrive. 
  3. For those who have blind rage at this time it'll make things easier however, if not go slow and look out for the men on the roof. 
  4. Note there's a health kit around the rear of the tents also.
  5. After a vehicle comes by you could get in there and then use it as shield. 
  6. Once you've taken out the newly spawn guys on the roofs Pablo will hightail it through the dock, kill the men that have come off the boats and give Pablo a chase. 
  7. As you're really fortunate to enjoy a Gun boat come it'll be filled with two SAW's at the front end, simply press B and nearly anything before you will die, pursue Pablo and fill his boat with holes.
  8. You can now start working on the downtown fronts.
Reputation: +53,660
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: +1,220
Drugs [g]: +109
Total Cash:-


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