Thursday, July 19, 2012

O'Grady's Liquor Store

O'Grady's Liquor Store

"****'em all! I bury those cock-a-roaches!"

(See Video Above)

  1. Preferably you'll come with an AK-47 otherwise it'll be somewhat tougher for you. 
  2. The Overall goal of this really is to prevent the assailants from smashing the inventory so do not assist them in that way.
  3. The very first wave of assailants should come through the front entrance, make quick work of them, the following will range from side entrance consider getting prepared and take out those before they even can enter the store. 
  4. The 3rd wave should come round the rear and come in through the back door and also the front entrance, I prefer to use blind rage at this time just to help prevent you getting overwhelmed  
  5. Now after you've taken out those you'll receive a message saying "they're closing in" a few will come in from the front entrance and also the back door however the primary fear will be the men which come in from the side entrance, they're all pre-loaded with shotguns therefore if they get too close they're going to make a quick job of you. 
  6. Once they're dead speak with the manager. 
  7. Note that there's health behind the counter as well as in the back room when you need it.
Reputation: +44,947
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: +1,649
Drugs [g]: +5
Total Cash: +$100,000

You can now buy the store for $120,000

Reputation: 45,000
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: +15
Balls: -
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: -$120,000

  Reputation Upgrade 4
14 new exotics are unlocked.
$50,000 island drug suppliers are unlocked.
The M-79 and Mac 10 have been unlocked.

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