Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Informer

The Informer 

The Island Missions:

"So how do I know you're not a "chivalo" too?"

(See Video Above)

  1. Could it be just me or did that cut scene make no sense whatsoever "this guy 5 meters away from us is an informant, I want you to kill him." He then amazingly shows up on a boat. 
  2. Run after after him and equip a machine gun of some kind, get rid of the men inside the other two boats and rather than wasting 10mins hoping to get the boat to blow up just shoot for the man driving.
Reputation: +25,595
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: +119
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: $100,000

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