Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pedro's Pawn Shop

Pedro's Pawn Shop

(See Video Above)  
"I want what's coming to me."

It is really an easy mission,
  1. first seize the van out front and go towards the drop point, 
  2. now return to the shop to grab another crate and leave it at the next drop point. 
  3. When you're getting the 3rd crate the police will arrive (sooner in case your timer expires). 
  4. Lose the police, it's simple since your heat ought to be low go get free from the red ring and then try to lose the cop vehicles which will be tailing you while you go to the following drop off point. 
  5. Remember to get this done prior to the white line across the boundary in the map reduces entirely or else you won't be capable of losing the police and you'll fail the mission. 
  6. Now return to the manager to complete the mission.
Reputation: +3,485
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: -
Balls: +485
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: -

Now you can purchase this front for $50,000. In the event you don't have the cash on you then I suggest completing a number of Felix's leads which provides you with cash, balls and open up drug deals.

Reputation: +12,000
Exotics: -
Turf [%]: +20
Balls: -
Drugs [g]: -
Total Cash: -$50,000

Reputation Upgrade 2
16 new exotics are unlocked.
$10,000 drug suppliers are unlocked.
The Shotgun has been unlocked.

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